The death toll from the storms in New South Wales has now reached eight. Around 150,000 homes are without electricity, a state of emergency has been called and the weather has been described as the worst this part of Australia has seen for 30 years.
Shit the bed. Not quite what I was expecting to come across during a trip to this country. Killer spiders and sharks maybe, but not this.
The weather was so bad on Saturday that going out was almost impossible. It was hard enough trying to stop our kitchen door windows being blown through without even contemplating going anywhere.
I probably wouldn't have gone out anyway. On Friday night I got out of bed to have a piss, slipped and banged my head on the wall and very nearly impaled myself on a wine glass. That I didn't was because I managed to steady myself on the side of my bed with my right arm. In doing so, I basically forced the pressure of my body weight onto one arm and pulled muscles/ligaments in the process.
The upshot of this was a trip to the chemist yesterday for bandage strapping and anti-inflammatory pills. For fuck's sake. As if an ear infection, a tooth removed (all in the last month) and this fucking storm wasn't enough. I had to laugh, however, when I asked the old geezer in the chemist if I could drink alcohol on the anti-inflammatory drugs. It took him a few moments to even look at me. When he did, you would have thought from the look on his face I'd just asked permission to take a shit in the corner of his shop. "In moderation only, young man," he said softly but sternly.
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