This rather remote location was an outside bet at the start of the search. In footballing terms it was Reading - not fancied to begin with, but able to win you over with impressive quality . I plumped for this home because it is very, very nice and the people I will be living with are extremely friendly. The one thing that was deterring me was the location - 15 minute train journey to the city - when other places were within walking distance of the jobs, shops and bars. Still, you don't get many inner city homes backing onto a protected nature reserve like this one does...
I was also won over to Chatswood by an old argument I have used for years in debates with people about which is the superior place to live in East Anglia. Proponents of Ipswich or Cambridge over Norwich always point to superior transport links and closer proximity to London, which has always struck me as being a rather perverse argument to make. How can the ease with which you can leave a place - to go somewhere else completely different - be viewed as one of its attributes? If it's so fucking good, why leave?
Anyway, in the house hunting stakes in Sydney world what I am basically saying is that I decided a home had to be more than what it was close to. A decent home with decent people are ultimately what matters more than being able to stagger back home from a low rent night out with a low rent one night stand.
God. I am almost starting to sound vaguely mature. Oh, on the subject of which, I got the job! I start with the NSW Fire Brigade on Feb 26, which allows a bit more time for generally being rather immature before the serious stuff starts.
It was a big relief to get the job - and something of a surprise to beat off competition from six Aussies for it. Whilst I was waiting to hear if I had got it on Monday and Tuesday (which co-incided with the first spell of indifferent weather there has been here since I arrived) I did start to worry a bit. What if my experience gained in the UK was always going to be outweighed by local knowledge and contacts? Would I have to spend every bloody day in internet cafes or employment agencies looking for work?
There were other short term consequences. If I didn't get it, the search would have to be stepped up for work. If I did get it, not only would the security be there, but it would also leave nearly two weeks to travel around and see more of the country. Mountain drives or boat trips to desert islands, anyone?
Fortunately I can now plan these very trips until the shirt and tie has to come out again. Oh, and before I forget, England defied the odds to win the one day series against Australia. Watching and reading the astonished Aussie pundits give credit to the 'resurgent poms' has been very edifying indeed.
1 comment:
Hey Matt,
Congratulations on the job! I have been checking ya website frequently. It makes a refreshing change reading about somebody doing something so different. Makes a really good read! I never knew ya could write so well! In fact I never knew you could write, lol! Things seem to be going really well over there for ya, new house (which looks amazing), new job (with lots of hunky fire fighters!). That reminds me, I have names myself twisted firestarter, so ya will have to send over a cute Fireman to rescue me. Help...help!!! All in all I can say well done :-) jammy git!!! Put some pics on soon of some hunky surfers and fire fighters, so we can see what we are missing, he he! Laters!
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